In 28 Jan people made fun of court's decision to detain 25yo Siddiqa
AlBasri for "hurting a police's feeling"! It's not funny but
An eyewitness' eyes teared when he saw her screaming w/ fear- on her
children's status - while dragged by the police
Siddiqa's story began @ a checkpoint when she was violently insulted by
a riot police who expected her to stay silent
She kept her car @ the checkpoint & left. Her vandalized it &
followed her with other policemen. She told him that she only fears God
"I fear my God" & "I dare U to return my ID
2 sentences considered by the Judge as insult & disobedience to riot
Siddiqa's case is an example of corruption in the judiciary system
She was not allowed a lawyer, verdict was extremely fast, & when she
was allowed a lawyer, they didn't allow him to defend her
The called upon eyewitnesses from the police refused to attend &
although each checkpoint has a CCTV camera, the court refused to play it
Layla Ahmed, Fadheela Almubarak, & Siddiqa AlBasri are 3 cases in
which ladies received harsh sentences for refusing insults in checkpoints
Subjugating & insulting people, unfair trials & sentences, &
repressive means. All of which show Bahrain regime tries to be stronger than